Prodigy by Marie Lu
Release Date: January 29, 2013
Pages: 354
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
Injured and on the run, it has been seven days since June and Day barely escaped Los Angeles and the Republic with their lives. Day is believed dead having lost his own brother to an execution squad who thought they were assassinating him. June is now the Republic's most wanted traitor. Desperate for help, they turn to the Patriots - a vigilante rebel group sworn to bring down the Republic. But can they trust them or have they unwittingly become pawns in the most terrifying of political games?
I was so in love with Legend...and then I read Prodigy. This blows Legend away with how incredible it is. Prodigy has the two main characters that we fell in love with as well as multiple secondary characters that become more and more fleshed out throughout the book. I'm just so happy with everything that went on throughout this book.
June seemed more emotional in this book. She wasn't the robot killing machine she was in the first book. She was worried and excited and happy and sad; emotions we only got glimpses of in the first book. She has grown as a character and I love that she isn't as stuck up in this book. Day has also developed since the first book. He has become more open to other people helping him, and has also become more compassionate. He has also become more aware of the people around him, like Tess, and how his actions will have an effect on other people.
The world building in this book was phenomenal. As a reader we got to explore several new cities, and saw how they are affected by the war that is happening. We also get to see how different underground communities have adapted and changed, as well as how they are run. It was really fun to see the world grow chapter by chapter until the book finished, especially as we are reading from two very different perspectives.
THE ENDING! THE ENDING. I still haven't gotten over it! The book left us on such a big cliffhanger. If any of you have read this book, you know my pain. I don't think I can get over this ending! I need the next book now!!
This book is amazing. Even if you thought the first book was okay, read this one! The world and characters go through so much development, and so many different situations that you'll be glad you read it. I adored every second of this book, and I seriously need to get my hands on Champion!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon
I love Gilmore Girls; I watched it for the first time last summer and have just started re-watching it. One of my favourite scenes is the 24 hour dance marathon and I've dreamt about taking part in it ever since I first saw it. So when I heard of this challenge I was so pumped to take part. It means I can take part in the 24 hour staying awake part, without having to do any exercise. I've also decided to wear a pretty dress, just like the Gilmore girls!
Now, onto the actual challenge. It is basically a challenge where you stay awake for a full 24 hours reading books. There is an entire website dedicated to it, where you can sign up to the challenge, read updates which will encourage you and find helpful tips to survive (link here). There is also a website to work out what time you have to start depending on the country you are in (link here).
The books I will be reading are all on my TBR and all fairly short. They are:
Now, onto the actual challenge. It is basically a challenge where you stay awake for a full 24 hours reading books. There is an entire website dedicated to it, where you can sign up to the challenge, read updates which will encourage you and find helpful tips to survive (link here). There is also a website to work out what time you have to start depending on the country you are in (link here).
The books I will be reading are all on my TBR and all fairly short. They are:
- Four by Veronica Roth (I know, I know!)
- Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy
- The Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman
- A random collection of Doctor Who comic books
I've only picked three books, because I know that I won't be able to read any more than this in the 24 hours. It also means that I have time to eat, watch Gilmore Girls and maybe even fall asleep! And the comic books will provide a nice break from the longer novels.
I also have a care package ready and waiting for when the challenge begins. It has been slowly collecting random stuff that I think will help me get through the 24 hours, so I'm going to share everything in it with you. The things in here may seem a bit random, but they all have a purpose, I promise. Now to open it up!
- My pyjama blanket: A few years ago my mum made me a quilt out of old pyjamas and I love it. It is fleecy and cosy, and a perfect reading companion.
- 3 bottles of water: One of the worst things to happen when you're staying up late is feeling dehydrated. It makes me feel so much worse, so this way I have no excuse.
- My books: The most obvious thing on this list, my books are sitting there calling out for me to read them.
- A selection of music: Even if I don't take in the lyrics of the music, having it on will keep me awake and motivate me to carry on reading.
- Finally, my computer: Throughout the readathon I will have Gilmore Girls or Friends on in the background, to act as a break from all the reading I will be doing. I will also be doing updates here and on my Twitter ( @MusicalBooks) so keep an eye out for those.
I'm super excited to be taking part in this readathon; I've been counting down the days this month! I really hope some of you will take part as well, and then we can motivate each other in the comments. Let me know if you are taking part, and what books you are reading, down below. I will be there cheering you on, whilst trying not to crash from exhaustion!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Book of Lies by Teri Terry
The Book of Lies by Teri Terry
Release Date: March 24, 2016
Pages: 352
Rating: N/A (I'll explain)
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
An ancient curse placed on a family of witches foretells that twins will be born - one good, one evil; and one will destroy the other.
But who can be trusted when no one is as they seem?
This book has me so torn; I loved some parts of it and hated other parts of it. Usually I don't hate books, or even think about DNF-ing them but this book had me pulling out my hair because I was so mad at it. So for this review I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to review the first half of the book and the second half of the book separately to get my true emotions across.
Before I review the book I'm going to talk about the writing style. I loved the descriptive parts of this book and felt really immersed in the settings of this book. However I did feel like some of the dialogue was bland and cliche, which lead to me not enjoying the book as much. I did enjoy the personal dialogue both Piper and Quinn had because it gave the reader a chance to look in their minds.
Part 1: Before the Moors
Rating: 💜💜
I really did not enjoy this section of the book. The characters all felt whiny and the same. The twins, Piper and Quinn, sounded exactly the same when they were talking to other people. Although that was the point during certain parts of the book they sounded the same when they were talking to each other. The excuse "they're twins" doesn't even work here because they've been separated their whole life! Even the main love interest, Zak, was annoying and too perfect. He seemed to adore Piper but was also showing interest towards Quinn. He could have played a much bigger role in this book instead of just the love interest. And Zak and Quinn had major insta-love which I did not enjoy.
The action was all very slow paced, and nothing really happened. To sum up the first section of this book everyone is mad at each other and is lying about which twin is which to protect Piper's reputation. That's it. That is all there is for around about the first 200 pages. Honestly I thought about DNF-ing this book at least 4 different times. But I'm glad I stuck with the book, because part 2 was so much better.
Part 2: On the Moors
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Finally something happened. The gang went to moors after Piper begging Quinn and Zak for several pages, although it felt longer. And boy am I glad they did. There was actually action and mystery and all the things I was promised on the back cover. It was as if the book suddenly exploded with interesting premises that I wanted to know about. To put it into context it took me 2 hours to read the first 200 pages and 30 minutes to read the remaining 152 pages. That is how much I hated the first part and loved the second part.
Piper and Quinn seemed to grow personalities on the moor, and became their own person. Also their grandmother is such a kick-butt character and loved reading the parts with her in them. She set everything into motion, causing Piper and Quinn to try and solve the problems they keep on finding. I loved how their friendship blossomed and grew as they spent time together; they finally seemed to break the surface on their relationship.
The description of the moors was just beautiful. I loved every single sentence Teri Terry wrote about the moors and felt swept up in the whole story. It felt like it was set on the Scottish moors, even though it was set in England. I felt warm and nostalgic of times when I've been camping ; it was absolutely gorgeous.
Final Rating:💜💜💜
Overall I enjoyed the writing style that Teri Terry has but not the way she carried out her plot. I was expecting something bigger and better from this book and just ended up disappointed and annoyed. I was considering DNF-ing this book from basically the first chapter but I am glad I pushed through because the ending was beautiful. However it was one of my least favourite books I've read this year and I won't be re-reading it in the future.
Release Date: March 24, 2016
Pages: 352
Rating: N/A (I'll explain)
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
An ancient curse placed on a family of witches foretells that twins will be born - one good, one evil; and one will destroy the other.
But who can be trusted when no one is as they seem?
This book has me so torn; I loved some parts of it and hated other parts of it. Usually I don't hate books, or even think about DNF-ing them but this book had me pulling out my hair because I was so mad at it. So for this review I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to review the first half of the book and the second half of the book separately to get my true emotions across.
Before I review the book I'm going to talk about the writing style. I loved the descriptive parts of this book and felt really immersed in the settings of this book. However I did feel like some of the dialogue was bland and cliche, which lead to me not enjoying the book as much. I did enjoy the personal dialogue both Piper and Quinn had because it gave the reader a chance to look in their minds.
Part 1: Before the Moors
Rating: 💜💜
I really did not enjoy this section of the book. The characters all felt whiny and the same. The twins, Piper and Quinn, sounded exactly the same when they were talking to other people. Although that was the point during certain parts of the book they sounded the same when they were talking to each other. The excuse "they're twins" doesn't even work here because they've been separated their whole life! Even the main love interest, Zak, was annoying and too perfect. He seemed to adore Piper but was also showing interest towards Quinn. He could have played a much bigger role in this book instead of just the love interest. And Zak and Quinn had major insta-love which I did not enjoy.
The action was all very slow paced, and nothing really happened. To sum up the first section of this book everyone is mad at each other and is lying about which twin is which to protect Piper's reputation. That's it. That is all there is for around about the first 200 pages. Honestly I thought about DNF-ing this book at least 4 different times. But I'm glad I stuck with the book, because part 2 was so much better.
Part 2: On the Moors
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Finally something happened. The gang went to moors after Piper begging Quinn and Zak for several pages, although it felt longer. And boy am I glad they did. There was actually action and mystery and all the things I was promised on the back cover. It was as if the book suddenly exploded with interesting premises that I wanted to know about. To put it into context it took me 2 hours to read the first 200 pages and 30 minutes to read the remaining 152 pages. That is how much I hated the first part and loved the second part.
Piper and Quinn seemed to grow personalities on the moor, and became their own person. Also their grandmother is such a kick-butt character and loved reading the parts with her in them. She set everything into motion, causing Piper and Quinn to try and solve the problems they keep on finding. I loved how their friendship blossomed and grew as they spent time together; they finally seemed to break the surface on their relationship.
The description of the moors was just beautiful. I loved every single sentence Teri Terry wrote about the moors and felt swept up in the whole story. It felt like it was set on the Scottish moors, even though it was set in England. I felt warm and nostalgic of times when I've been camping ; it was absolutely gorgeous.
Final Rating:💜💜💜
Overall I enjoyed the writing style that Teri Terry has but not the way she carried out her plot. I was expecting something bigger and better from this book and just ended up disappointed and annoyed. I was considering DNF-ing this book from basically the first chapter but I am glad I pushed through because the ending was beautiful. However it was one of my least favourite books I've read this year and I won't be re-reading it in the future.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Release Date: February 12, 2013
Pages: 400
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
After enduring Vaughn's worst, Rhine finds an unlikely ally in his brother, an eccentric inventor named Reed, and she takes refuge in his dilapidated house. While Gabriel haunts Rhine's memories, Cecily is determined to be at Rhine's side, even if Linden's feelings are still caught between them. Meanwhile, Rowan's involvement in an underground resistance compels Rhine to reach him before he does something that cannot be undone. But what she discovers along the way has alarming implications for her future--and the past her parents never had the chance to explain.
I honestly feel dead inside. This book has ripped my heart out of my chest, torn it up into pieces and stamped all over it. I spent the last six chapters in tears, wanting to read but not wanting to read. I felt so many emotions throughout this book, and Lauren DeStefano has broken me.
I loved this book as much as I loved Fever, although Wither is still my favourite. This book was full of scenes shared with my new favourite trio: Rhine, Linden and Cecily. These three have grown so much since the first book and I'm glad that they were still strong friends, even after all they've been through. Honestly I just want another book about them hanging out together and having a good time.
I didn't think there could be anymore world building but Lauren DeStefano managed to do it. The world grew in ways that I never thought would happen. I won't say any more because spoilers but it was very surprising. And also amazing.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Fever by Lauren DeStefano (Chemical Garden #2)
Release Date: February 12, 2012
Pages: 349
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, but they’re still in danger. Outside, they find a world even more disquieting than the one they ran away from. Determined to get to Manhattan and find Rhine’s twin brother, Rowan, the two press forward, amid threats of being captured again…or worse. The road they are on is long and perilous—and time is precious. Rhine must decide if freedom is worth the price—now that she has more to lose than ever.
Release Date: February 12, 2012
Pages: 349
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, but they’re still in danger. Outside, they find a world even more disquieting than the one they ran away from. Determined to get to Manhattan and find Rhine’s twin brother, Rowan, the two press forward, amid threats of being captured again…or worse. The road they are on is long and perilous—and time is precious. Rhine must decide if freedom is worth the price—now that she has more to lose than ever.
This book continues on immediately after the first book, Wither. As Rhine and Gabriel try to find Rowan, Rhine's twin brother, we get to explore the dystopian world a little more. Even though I enjoyed this book, I think it fell into the second-book slump and wasn't quite as good as Wither.
The duo don't get far from the 'big house' when they are forced to join a kind of prostitution complex. Although there are no graphic scenes I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable about the things that Rhine had to do. The lady in charge, Madame, was extremely creepy and obsessive whilst she forced the girls to do some horrific things. I do realise that Lauren DeStefano was world-building and showing us a different approach to the disease, but when it shows 10-18 year olds selling their bodies you can't help but wonder if it is necessary...
The character development from the start of Wither and end of Fever was incredible. Rhine had matured and began to realise that other people might get hurt by things she does. She also begins to have that wanderlust again, dreaming about all the places she wants to go now that she is out of the 'big house'. Gabriel stopped being a brain-washed rule follower and thought for himself, although he still blindly followed Rhine anywhere even now he had freedom. And Cecily...just wow. I have no words to describe the happiness I feel for Cecily's character development. We don't get to see much of her in this book, literally just the last couple of chapters, but what we do see is incredible.
My feelings for this book are very mixed. It wasn't as good as the first book for plot development, but it was better for character development. We get to see all the characters grow and become strong, independent people. There was also more world building throughout Fever as we get follow Rhine's journey through the poorer areas. It was interesting to see how the disease has affected poor people who needed as many children as possible to carry on the family line (and business).
I can't wait to read the next and final book in this series, Sever, and see where Rhine goes next!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Taylor Swift Book Tag!
I am a HUGE swiftie. I've been listening to her since I was 8, and own all her CD's (except the Christmas one 😢). So when I found out about this tag I knew I had to do it! Books and Taylor Swift! I can't think anything better. The creator of this amazing tag is TheBookLife, but I'll be doing Katytastic's version. You can see the original here and Katytastic's version here. And now onto the tag...
We are never getting back together:
Pick a series you used to love, but now you hate!
I loved the first book in this series when I first read it and I even enjoyed the second book. But when I picked up the third book I couldn't even get past the first chapter. My brain just wouldn't let me, no matter how hard I'd try. I even attempted to re-read the first book, which didn't end well...
Pick a book with a red cover.
This was most definitely a cover buy and I'm not ashamed at all! It is gorgeous on my bookshelf and stands out amongst all the bland black and white books. Plus the story is amazing so I'm glad I picked it up.
Best Day:
Pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic.
All English people have read at least one Enid Blyton book in their life and I am no exception. I first read this book when I was six and I still read it to this day. It is perfect for any mood and I will be reading it until the day I die!
Love Story:
Pick a book that has forbidden love.
A demon and an angel falling in love. Need I say anymore?
I knew you were trouble:
Pick a bad character that you can't help but love.
So he isn't the worst character in this series but he is pretty terrible. I loved Draco when I first read the Harry Potter series, and I still love him now. He is so bad ass and awesome that I just can't help but love him. (I know, I know!)
Pick a book that had the ending spoilt to you.
My friend forced me to read this book and kept on asking where I was and whether I finished it yet. She then proceeded to ask me where I was in the book by saying things that HAPPEN IN THE BOOK! WHY?! Luckily I wasn't too far off the ending when she ruined the book but STILL!
Everything has changed:
Pick a character that has gone through a lot of character development.
I had to pick Sam from the Gone Series because holy cow he changed a lot throughout the series. I won't say too much because I might ruin the series but I will say that he changed. Not necessarily for the better, but he did change.
You belong with me:
Pick your most anticipated book release.
For this one I'll have to say The Long Forever by Eugene Lambert. This is the third instalment in the Sign of One series and will be coming out next year.I'm sooo excited! I'm so excited for it the cover hasn't even been released yet!
Forever and always:
Pick your favourite book couple.
It is almost impossible for a book lover to pick their OTP. However the first couple to spring to mind was, of course, Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. They are relationship goals and although they have been to hell and back (literally!), they still remain as strong as ever. Also this piece of fan art is beautiful! (find the artist here)
Come back, Be here:
Pick a book you would never lend out.

Pick a book with a red cover.
This was most definitely a cover buy and I'm not ashamed at all! It is gorgeous on my bookshelf and stands out amongst all the bland black and white books. Plus the story is amazing so I'm glad I picked it up.
Best Day:
Pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic.
All English people have read at least one Enid Blyton book in their life and I am no exception. I first read this book when I was six and I still read it to this day. It is perfect for any mood and I will be reading it until the day I die!
Love Story:
Pick a book that has forbidden love.
A demon and an angel falling in love. Need I say anymore?
I knew you were trouble:
Pick a bad character that you can't help but love.
Pick a book that had the ending spoilt to you.
My friend forced me to read this book and kept on asking where I was and whether I finished it yet. She then proceeded to ask me where I was in the book by saying things that HAPPEN IN THE BOOK! WHY?! Luckily I wasn't too far off the ending when she ruined the book but STILL!
Everything has changed:
Pick a character that has gone through a lot of character development.
I had to pick Sam from the Gone Series because holy cow he changed a lot throughout the series. I won't say too much because I might ruin the series but I will say that he changed. Not necessarily for the better, but he did change.
You belong with me:
Pick your most anticipated book release.
For this one I'll have to say The Long Forever by Eugene Lambert. This is the third instalment in the Sign of One series and will be coming out next year.I'm sooo excited! I'm so excited for it the cover hasn't even been released yet!
Forever and always:
Pick your favourite book couple.
It is almost impossible for a book lover to pick their OTP. However the first couple to spring to mind was, of course, Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. They are relationship goals and although they have been to hell and back (literally!), they still remain as strong as ever. Also this piece of fan art is beautiful! (find the artist here)
Come back, Be here:
Pick a book you would never lend out.
I hardly ever lend out books but I would never ever (ever) lend out my copy of Gone by Michael Grant. My copy is a flimsy paperback that could easily get ripped, but it is also signed! I know! If anything happens to my singed (!) Michael Grant book I don't know what I' d do. So yeah...
Teardrops on my guitar:
Pick a book that made you ugly cry.
I very rarely ugly cry at books. Yes, I shed a tear or two (or three or four), but I don't really ugly cry. I didn't cry at TFIOS, I didn't cry at Me Before You, I didn't cry at Allegiant. But this book! This book! I made the mistake of reading this book at school and I actually had to lock myself in the toilets so I could cry it out. This book may look all innocent, but it will rip your heart out and stamp all over it.
Shake it off:
Pick a book you will love, no matter how much hate it gets.

If you've seen my review of this book, you will know I love this series. Even though a lot of people don't like it, because of all the plot holes and character flaws, I really enjoyed this book and its sequel. So no matter what anyone says about it I will shake it off and continue loving it.
So there is my Taylor Swift book tag. I'm tagging anybody who wants to do this because I had loads of fun jamming out to Taylor Swift and thinking about books. If you do this tag leave a link in the comments and I'll be sure to turn up and read/watch it. Also tell me which Taylor Swift song is your favourite down below!
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
Wither by Lauren DeStefano (Chemical Garden #1)
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Pages: 358
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
By age sixteen, Rhine Ellery has four years left to live. A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males born with a lifespan of 25 years, and females a lifespan of 20 years--leaving the world in a state of panic. When Rhine is sold as a bride, she vows to do all she can to escape. Together with one of Linden's servants, Gabriel, Rhine attempts to escape just before her seventeenth birthday. But in a world that continues to spiral into anarchy, is there any hope for freedom?
My first re-read of the year, and I'm so glad I read it again. I love this book; I first read it last year and have wanted to continue with this series ever since. It is a book that has stuck with me, and I will definitely have to read it again.
The book focuses on Rhine, a girl who is forced into a marriage at the age of 16, and her desperate attempts to get back to her twin brother. She is feisty and strong, having spent half her life living without parents. However she is also emotional, and tries to help others when they need help. She hates life in the marriage she's been forced into, and I was glad that these feelings never went away.
Her two 'sister' wives are very different from Rhine but in a good way. Jenna is the older, more serious 18 year old who hates the marriage but doesn't care what happens to her. She knows she only has a few years left, and decides she would rather die in luxury than go back to her home. Cecily is the complete opposite of Rhine and Jenna; she loves it in the house and can't wait to start having Linden's children. She craves attention and is appalled at the others for not loving their husband.
There are a few plot holes in the story which bother some people, but too be honest I also focus on the story instead of whether this would work in real life (let's hope it doesn't!). For example the polar caps have melted, but the story is set in Florida which would be underwater at this point. Also hurricane season is in June but in this book there are hurricanes in October, and it snows in Florida. These small plot things really don't bother me, because I loved the story so much. As great as it would be to have continuity I wasn't bothered by this at all.
The main reason I push this all aside is because the writing is beautiful. Seriously, it is absolutely gorgeous, and I adored reading it. Lauren DeStefano has a way of shaping words that makes you fall in love with the world you are in. She captures events perfectly, describing in a way that makes you recognise them immediately. I fell for this book in the first few pages, and wasn't able to put it down because I was so captivated by the story.
Wither has had very mixed reviews from readers (3.82 on Goodreads), but don't let that push you away. When I read the reviews I was worried about reading this book, but I decided to go ahead anyway (and I'm glad I did). I love this book series and the writing style, and I'm definitely more positive about this book than others. So don't let the reviews sway you. If you hear awful things about it but really want to read it, go ahead! The worst thing that could happen is you put the book down and say 'It's just not for me'. However I will be continuing on with this series, so expect a review for Fever up soon!
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Pages: 358
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
By age sixteen, Rhine Ellery has four years left to live. A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males born with a lifespan of 25 years, and females a lifespan of 20 years--leaving the world in a state of panic. When Rhine is sold as a bride, she vows to do all she can to escape. Together with one of Linden's servants, Gabriel, Rhine attempts to escape just before her seventeenth birthday. But in a world that continues to spiral into anarchy, is there any hope for freedom?
My first re-read of the year, and I'm so glad I read it again. I love this book; I first read it last year and have wanted to continue with this series ever since. It is a book that has stuck with me, and I will definitely have to read it again.
The book focuses on Rhine, a girl who is forced into a marriage at the age of 16, and her desperate attempts to get back to her twin brother. She is feisty and strong, having spent half her life living without parents. However she is also emotional, and tries to help others when they need help. She hates life in the marriage she's been forced into, and I was glad that these feelings never went away.
Her two 'sister' wives are very different from Rhine but in a good way. Jenna is the older, more serious 18 year old who hates the marriage but doesn't care what happens to her. She knows she only has a few years left, and decides she would rather die in luxury than go back to her home. Cecily is the complete opposite of Rhine and Jenna; she loves it in the house and can't wait to start having Linden's children. She craves attention and is appalled at the others for not loving their husband.
There are a few plot holes in the story which bother some people, but too be honest I also focus on the story instead of whether this would work in real life (let's hope it doesn't!). For example the polar caps have melted, but the story is set in Florida which would be underwater at this point. Also hurricane season is in June but in this book there are hurricanes in October, and it snows in Florida. These small plot things really don't bother me, because I loved the story so much. As great as it would be to have continuity I wasn't bothered by this at all.
The main reason I push this all aside is because the writing is beautiful. Seriously, it is absolutely gorgeous, and I adored reading it. Lauren DeStefano has a way of shaping words that makes you fall in love with the world you are in. She captures events perfectly, describing in a way that makes you recognise them immediately. I fell for this book in the first few pages, and wasn't able to put it down because I was so captivated by the story.
Wither has had very mixed reviews from readers (3.82 on Goodreads), but don't let that push you away. When I read the reviews I was worried about reading this book, but I decided to go ahead anyway (and I'm glad I did). I love this book series and the writing style, and I'm definitely more positive about this book than others. So don't let the reviews sway you. If you hear awful things about it but really want to read it, go ahead! The worst thing that could happen is you put the book down and say 'It's just not for me'. However I will be continuing on with this series, so expect a review for Fever up soon!
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Legend by Marie Lu
Legend by Marie Lu
Release Date: November 29, 2011
Pages: 305
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
He is Day. The boy who walks in the light.
She is June. The girl who seeks her brother's killer.
On the run and undercover, they meet by chance. Irresistibly drawn together, neither knows the other's past.
This book was incredible. It was fast-paced, action-packed and a very good read. I couldn't stop reading, finishing it in two hours. Seriously, if you pick it up you won't be able to put it down.
The two main characters are opposite sides of the social spectrum: June lives a life of luxury and is adored, Day is homeless and hated. However you see surprising similarities form; they are both smart and logical thinkers, they are both athletic and they both look for danger. I loved how they noticed each other's strengths as soon as they met, and built a friendship off of that.
They are both perfect characters. June - our feisty, intelligent, kick-butt heroine. Day- our caring, tough, invincible hero. They both have equal time in the spotlight, although June seems to do the majority of the talking towards the end (who can blame her though!). Tess is an adorable and sweet secondary character, who has grown up tough under Day's care. Although she could definitely kick-butt if she had to, Tess still remains sweet and almost innocent (almost). Metias, June's older brother, is too perfect to be true. He is kind and caring, loyal and protective - basically the perfect boy.
The book did the right amount of world-building and problem-making for a first book in a series. We see the world around June and Day slowly evolve and grow as they explored more. There were certain situations that turned into serious problems, setting us up for a second book.
I can't wait to read Prodigy, because if it is even half as good as this book it will be amazing. I've grown so attached to the characters, I need to find out what happens next! Marie Lu- you're awesome!
Release Date: November 29, 2011
Pages: 305
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
He is Day. The boy who walks in the light.
She is June. The girl who seeks her brother's killer.
On the run and undercover, they meet by chance. Irresistibly drawn together, neither knows the other's past.
This book was incredible. It was fast-paced, action-packed and a very good read. I couldn't stop reading, finishing it in two hours. Seriously, if you pick it up you won't be able to put it down.
The two main characters are opposite sides of the social spectrum: June lives a life of luxury and is adored, Day is homeless and hated. However you see surprising similarities form; they are both smart and logical thinkers, they are both athletic and they both look for danger. I loved how they noticed each other's strengths as soon as they met, and built a friendship off of that.
They are both perfect characters. June - our feisty, intelligent, kick-butt heroine. Day- our caring, tough, invincible hero. They both have equal time in the spotlight, although June seems to do the majority of the talking towards the end (who can blame her though!). Tess is an adorable and sweet secondary character, who has grown up tough under Day's care. Although she could definitely kick-butt if she had to, Tess still remains sweet and almost innocent (almost). Metias, June's older brother, is too perfect to be true. He is kind and caring, loyal and protective - basically the perfect boy.
The book did the right amount of world-building and problem-making for a first book in a series. We see the world around June and Day slowly evolve and grow as they explored more. There were certain situations that turned into serious problems, setting us up for a second book.
I can't wait to read Prodigy, because if it is even half as good as this book it will be amazing. I've grown so attached to the characters, I need to find out what happens next! Marie Lu- you're awesome!
The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon
Release Date: November 1, 2016
Pages: 284
Rating: 💜💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
Subhi is a refugee. Born in an immigration detention centre, life behind the fences is all he has ever known. Then he meets Jimmie, a scruffy, impatient girl from the other side of the fence...
This is one story. The story of millions.
This is a book that needed to be written. It has the feeling of a modern day Boy in the Striped Pyjamas; it focuses on the refugee problem with a heart-breaking story line. Just like The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, I adored it.
The book is told in a dual POV; the majority of the book is written from Subhi's perspective with small interjections from Jimmie. This builds up the world inside and outside the detention centre, creating quite an astounding picture. It was funny to read about the two children and how they are both stuck with their parents grief. It clearly affects how the children see the world and how they react to other people (which you see throughout the book).
Personally, I fell in love with the two characters in the firs few lines of their chapters. They are both stuck in their homes, but try to make the best out of a bad situation. Subhi seems so full of life, despite having grown up in a detention centre. Things that sound shocking to the reader (eating dog meat), is a game for him and his friends. Jimmie, the girl outside, is slowly losing her light because she is trapped in a loveless home. Their friendship is so beautiful and innocent, but still carries the weight of everything they have had to experience. It is incredible to read.
Overall I loved this book so much. It is an eye-opening, tear-jerking experience of a book; one which I'm glad I was told to read. I think I have fallen in love with this story and the way that Zana Fraillon managed to spin me into to her web of a book. Trust me, once you start reading this you won't be able to stop.
Friday, April 7, 2017
How to look for a lost dog by Ann M.Martin
How to look for a lost dog by Ann M. Martin
Release Date: October 7, 2014
Pages: 240
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
11-year-old Rose is autistic and struggles to understand her classmates. But when her father gives her a stray dog, which she names Rain, the dog becomes her best friend, her anchor in a confusing world. So when Rain goes missing during a storm, Rose refuses to stop looking for her…
This book is deceptively simple and at first I thought it was going to be too young for me. But the more I read the more attached to the characters I became until I couldn't put the book down. It was enjoyable, and although it may seem light-hearted it deals with some very serious topics.
Rose is a funny, imaginative girl who is curious about the world around. She is obsessed with prime numbers and homophones which keeps the book upbeat and happy. She is confused by little things and can't understand why people would break the rules. I constantly felt sad for her; when someone didn't understand her they would tease her. Even her father was a jerk.
The story dealt with autism in a well-thought out manner, and I thought it captured what it feels like correctly. Obviously I don't know what autism is like for the actual person, but Rose reacted in a similar way as to how people I know react. It was also interesting to see how Ann Martin showed other people reacting to Rose (classmates, family, drivers).
I really enjoyed this book; it was a sweet and easy read. I loved the simplicity of this book because it had such a different feel from most books I've read. I would recommend it to children aged 10-11, or anyone who wants a faster read!
Release Date: October 7, 2014
Pages: 240
Rating: 💜💜💜💜
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository
11-year-old Rose is autistic and struggles to understand her classmates. But when her father gives her a stray dog, which she names Rain, the dog becomes her best friend, her anchor in a confusing world. So when Rain goes missing during a storm, Rose refuses to stop looking for her…
This book is deceptively simple and at first I thought it was going to be too young for me. But the more I read the more attached to the characters I became until I couldn't put the book down. It was enjoyable, and although it may seem light-hearted it deals with some very serious topics.
Rose is a funny, imaginative girl who is curious about the world around. She is obsessed with prime numbers and homophones which keeps the book upbeat and happy. She is confused by little things and can't understand why people would break the rules. I constantly felt sad for her; when someone didn't understand her they would tease her. Even her father was a jerk.
The story dealt with autism in a well-thought out manner, and I thought it captured what it feels like correctly. Obviously I don't know what autism is like for the actual person, but Rose reacted in a similar way as to how people I know react. It was also interesting to see how Ann Martin showed other people reacting to Rose (classmates, family, drivers).
I really enjoyed this book; it was a sweet and easy read. I loved the simplicity of this book because it had such a different feel from most books I've read. I would recommend it to children aged 10-11, or anyone who wants a faster read!
Saturday, April 1, 2017
April TBR
April is a very busy month for me because I'm going to be doing be GCSE exams in May and June (I'm so nervous!). This month I'll be concentrating on textbooks instead of story books. However I think I'll be able to squeeze in a couple of books from the Novel Experience and Duodecathon challenges, so here is my April TBR.
- Delirium by Lauren Oliver
- Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
- Room by Emma Donoghue
- The Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs
- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
This is very ambitious for this month, considering I will have no spare time at all! However I'm sure I will be able to find time to read a few of these books this month so expect reviews of these books to appear here soon.
Have you read any of these books, and what did you think of them? What is your April TBR? Tell me in the comments!
Have you read any of these books, and what did you think of them? What is your April TBR? Tell me in the comments!
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