Thursday, May 31, 2018

Nope Book Tag

Today's tag is all about my more unpopular opinions about some quite popular books. I couldn't find who originally created this tag, so if you know please leave their name in the comments so I can give them credit.

On to the questions!

1. NOPE Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage, or simply because the ending was crappy.

I have a lot of strong opinions about this book, which you can read here, but Champion is definitely a book where I literally said nope whilst reading the ending.

2. NOPE. Protagonist: A main character you dislike and drives you crazy. 

I loved the Selection series, and absolutely adored America Singer, so I was shocked when Eadlyn turned out to be a completely unlikable. She was the reason why I never finished this series, and pretend that the series never continued past the first three books.

3. NOPE Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE

I might be saying something controversial here, but the Harry Potter series fell to ruin after the Cursed Child was released. The main series is obviously one of the greatest series of all time, but that addition just ruined the series for me.

4. NOPE. Popular pairing: A “ship” you don’t support

I don't know how popular this couple is, but I could never get behind this ship. The relationship wasn't the healthiest in the world, and it was less romantic than desperate. I'm not even Team Jacob; I think Bella should have ended up with someone outside of the supernatural world.

5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.

Everyone knows what happens. Everyone knows why it is here. Everyone knows what it did to us.

6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head.

I mean, this story(play) is just full of bad decisions, and I think I spent the majority of the play going 'What are you two doing, you crazy fools?!'

7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.

I'm pretty open to reading any genre but one I am staying firmly away from is erotica.

8. NOPE. Book format: Book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition.

I can't read kindle books and will always wait until the book comes out in a physical form. I just get really easily distracted when I read things on a screen so kindle books aren't for me.

9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE. 

Absent or abusive or bad parents. Give children their parents!

10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
I have only read one Sarah J Mass book (Throne of Glass) and I'm not really excited to read another book by her. I feel like the high is just too much at the moment that it scares me.
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
Characters that are unique even though they are same as every other character ever created. I want to read a book about a hero who is actually unique(or at least doesn't pretend they are).
12. NOPE. Love interest: The love interest that’s not worthy of being one. A character you don’t think should have been a viable love interest.
Josh Ambrose from To All The Boys I Loved Before. No thank you.
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
I know I've already used this book, but Champion by Marie Lu should not have existed (or at least been changed).
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
Voldemort. I wouldn't want to ever meet him. Ever.
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
Literally any of the deaths in Deathly Hallows.
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading for and have decided to quit.
I'm usually pretty good at forgiving authours for previous bad experiences, but one author I haven't gone back to yet is Sarah J Mass.
I hope you enjoyed this tag! Tell me down below which popular ship you don't like, and let me know why.
And until next time, keep reading!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Where have I been (Life Update)

I thought I would take this time to do a little life update for you guys, considering I haven't been around for a while.

Basically my life has been completely consumed by school work. Going to a boarding school means I not only have school work and activities to do, I also have activities to do outside of school with my house. On top of that my wifi is monitored to the point where websites are blocked for a hundred different reasons and I get kicked out every few minutes. I can't upload images from my computer to this blog because the wifi doesn't allow it (which is weird I know) so I have to write my posts in more creative ways.

So all in all it has been hard for me to keep on top of this blog as well as be involved in school life. However I promise I am going to try harder to be more involved in this blog and put out consistent content (even if it isn't as good as my old content).

Until next time, keep reading!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bookish worlds that make this one seem okay

At the moment the real world doesn't seem too great. We have dystopian-like world leaders, high levels of pollution and poor law enforcers which make the fictional worlds we escape to seem even more attractive at the moment. However, there are some worlds that I would never choose to move to over this world (which is shocking, I know)...

1- Basically any dystopian world

Every single dystopian world ever created is terrifying: an organised society where the government forces children against each other in a survival of the fittest type of fight. My problem with this type of world is that I know that I will be one of those background characters who ends up dying because they aren't physically strong enough (because I am a weak smol bean)

Books to look for: Maze Runner, Divergent, Hunger Games, 1984

2- Worlds where the adults go missing

Admittedly these books (and their settings) are very similar to those of the dystopian genre. However, I feel like these books are different because they feel more realistic. Children are forced to grow up and adapt to already familiar worlds, with this new twist. I would be absolutely awful in this scenario, preferring to stay quiet and follow orders instead of take the lead. Once again, I'd probably be one of the background kids who dies because they aren't 'street smart' enough.

Books to look for: Gone, The Enemy

3- Any high fantasy world (literally any one of them)

Fantasy worlds are a lot of hard work to cope with anyway, so can you imagine trying to live through them? There are always huge wars raging in the books, with hundreds of civilians getting killed in the process (which puts me off the world completely). The only positive aspect of these worlds is the dragons, and even they are dangerous and could possibly kill me so fantasy worlds are a hard pass.

Books to look for: Game of Thrones, Daughter of Smoke and Bones, Throne of Glass

4- Most historical worlds 

Even though these worlds are loosely (or actually)  based off the real world, historical worlds would be hard to live in unless I had been living there my entire life. Our world has improved do much since then, and I think that people in the past hard such hard lives. We have so many benefits that we don't appreciate enough, and I would never want to give these perks up.

Books to look for: Grave Mercy, A Great and Terrible Beauty

5- Sci-fi worlds

Space freaks me out, so I would be the worst person to have on a spaceship because I would probably just sit in the corner of a room freaking out because space. I love the idea of stars and planets and things like that, but actually being in space and having to land on planets just freaks me out.

Books to look out for: The 100, Zenith

What worlds would you not want to live in? Do you agree with any on my list?
Let me know below!

And until next time, keep reading!