Hello! Thank you for considering me as a reviewer of your book; I flattered you would! Unfortunately I do come with a few T+Cs as I can't accept every book offered to me, although I wish I could! So before you offer me a book to review please read my review policy to help decide if you still want me to review your book. Sorry it's a little long but I promise it will answer any questions you may have.
My Reviews
My reviews are always 100% honest; if I don't enjoy a book I will say. Fortunately I generally love most books I read but if I really don't enjoy the book I'm never harsh about it. In other words I don't go on about how I didn't enjoy it, I don't bash it and I definitely don't stop other people from reading it. I just give my honest opinions book about the book and let people decide for themselves if they want to read it. So please don't hate me if I give a negative review; I dislike writing as much as you dislike reading it!
If I accept your book for review, it means that I think I will enjoy it. However sometimes books don't live up to my expectations and I can't end up finishing it. If this does happen I will email you with my reason for stopping and about a hundred apologises. Please don't hate me for this, it just wasn't the book for me.
If I don't want to review your book I can't guarantee a reply. Again, sorry.
My review include:
- The book cover
- The title, page count and release date
- My rating (out of five)
- A short synopsis (usually the blurb)
- The review (which talks about general thoughts, characters, writing style and who I would recommend it to)
If you would like me to include anything else (author's website, book trailer) please let me know and I'll be more than happy to!
I'll post the review close to publication date, but if there is a specific time frame you want me to stick to please let me know. As soon as the review is up I will contact you via email or social media.
What I read
With a couple of exceptions, I pretty much only read young adult books
- Historical Fiction
- Contemporary
- Dystopian / Sci-Fi
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Mystery / Detective
What I do not read
- Erotica
- Non-Fiction
Currently I can only accept physical books (ARCs or finished copies) and I will email you my shipping address if I accept to review your book. I will also email you once I've received your book so you know it got to me safely!
Indie and Self-published authors
I am more than happy to support indie/self-published authors but please be aware that I may not accept your book if it doesn't interest me.
Contact Me
You still want me to review your book? Great!
You have more questions? Okay!
Feel free to send me an email at the address below:
You can address it to Mia.
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