I didn't intend to take part in the booktube-a-thon this year because I honestly didn't think I'd have enough time to take part because I set myself a pretty ambitious TBR (10 books in one month!), but apparently I like a challenge!
This read-a-thon is quite challenging but I think I'll be able to manage it. I am the absolute worst at explaining things so I'll leave a link to the channel here. There are several videos explaining what the read-a-thon is and all the little details you need to know. There's also a list of challenges which are compulsory, but fun to try and complete.
I'll be blogging everyday the week of the read-a-thon, talking about how it's going and just having a general chat. There are also photo and video challenges that I'll try to complete (in blog form, of course!) so I'd love if you would come and check the posts out!
Okay, after a very long introduction, on to the books!

1- A book with a person on the cover:
I mean the cover kind of explains itself. Her face is the only thing on this cover so there is definitely a person on this cover.
This would also tick off the challenge "read a book with a character who is very different from you" but because I love a challenge I have a different book for that challenge.
2- A book that has received a lot of hype
Everyone has heard of this book. Even people who don't read much have heard about this book because the hype surrounding this book was huge.
I've actually never read this book. At my first school we didn't have required reading and I joined my second school just after they finished so I didn't have to any motivation to read it (even though I really want to!). Now I'll finally be able to get round it, and hopefully love it!
3- Finish a book in one day.
Not going to lie, this challenge doesn't sound that hard. I regularly finish books in one day, especially if I'm really loving the book.
I decided to pick 1984 because a) it's another book I should have read but haven't and b) it is quite long. My copy is 326 pages long with quite small text so it could take me quite a while to read. If I don't manage it I do have a couple of fall backs so I can complete this challenge.
August is extremely different from me. He is younger than me, he has a facial deformity and...well...he is a he.
I'm worried that I won't like this book. You know when you let the hype grow bigger and bigger until you think the book is going to be amazing...and then it isn't? I'm worried that will happen with this book. (I guess we'll see!)
I love this book; it's one of the few I've reread. I actually read it last year with my friend (she loved it as well) so this story is pretty fresh in my mind However I'm super excited to be reading this book again!
This book is set in a butterfly house during a summer holiday, so reading it outside might add to the mood of the book. Hopefully it won't be too hot in Belgium, otherwise I may die of heat!
I didn't buy Attachments because the cover was pretty; I brought it because I wanted to read it (obviously). However I did buy this version of Attachments instead of the other one because it is absolutely gorgeous and I like it a lot more.
The only problem with this cover is that the spine isn't one colour so it doesn't really fit in with my rainbow bookshelves.
7- Read 7 books in a week
I actually picked out two books for this challenge, although they are both quite short and quick reads. I also made sure that both these books could check off several different challenges just in case something happens throughout the week (like I run out of time).

I tried reading this 2 or 3 years ago and couldn't get into it. I read the first 5 pages over and over again for a week before giving up.
However I haven't given up hope and because it is so tiny (only 110 pages) I should be able to get through this book really quickly. If I finish it in a day, which will most probably happen, then I'll tick off that challenge.
I'll also be reading about a character who is very different from me so that ticks off another challenge!

Another book I've been wanting to reread since I finished and another one that can check off several challenges at once. I also want to reread this book so that I watch the film soon. I remember very little from this book so it would basically be like reading it for the first time all over again.
I'm planning on reading this book outside because so much of this book happens outside. There is actually a forest just across the road from my house so I'll be spending many shady hours in the trees.
Are you taking part in this read-a-thon? What books are you reading? Have you read any of the books on my TBR?
Until next time, keep reading!
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