Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Backlist books I need to read

I'm awful when it comes to reading backlist books because every time I see a new shiny book I gravitate towards them, instead of all of the beautiful classics that sit on my bookshelf. I have got better at focusing on classics in the past year, especially when my English Literature course forces me to read them (I'm not complaining!) This has pushed me to read more of the older books on my shelf in my spare time, and leave the new releases until later!

(I will admit, I had to use Goodreads a little bit to see which backlist books I had on my shelves because I couldn't look through all 300 books on my TBR!)

1- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

This book terrifies me. It's not even that long (at only 500 pages) but I find classics hard to get into, and if I'm not enjoying the story I tend to just...put it down. Surprisingly, I don't actually know what this book is about, I just know that it is very popular and a must read classic.

2- Dracula by Bran Stoker

I was meant to read this book last month for my spooky reads in the build up to Christmas, but that completely failed. I still really want to read it, but I might have to wait until next Halloween before I get into it.

3- The Book of Strange New Things by Michael Faber

I got given this book a couple of years ago and I've honestly had no interest in picking up. However, the other day I was cleaning my shelves and I stumbled across it. I've been in three schools whilst owning this book, moved countries just as many times but I still can't manage to pick up this book. Hopefully I'll get to it by the end of this year because, after reading a synopsis, it sounds pretty good.

4- I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

I never knew that Dodie Smith wrote One Hundred and One Dalmatians, but this book has always been on my reading list. Admittedly, the only reason why this book is on my shelf is because younger Mia was obsessed with Jacqueline Wilson and she was always talking about this book. However, having read into what this book is about, I am actually very intrigued by this plot as it seems like a children's version of Atonement (which I loved).

5- Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin

I was actually super excited  to read this book, so when I brought it I read the first chapter before putting down almost immediately. Apparently I have no focus when it comes to new books, especially when I'm not too bothered about reading the book. I do want to read this book soon though, especially after reading The One Memory of Flora Banks.

6- The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

This book looks really interesting, with words all over the place. It does kind of remind me of Illuminae, with a crazy layout and intriguing plot, so hopefully I'll enjoy it. It is intimidating because it is such a beloved book and I'm worried that I won't love it as much as everyone else.

7- The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

This book has a very similar feel to The Knife of Never Letting Go, even though I have very little idea of what the book is actually about. I guess I should probably get a better idea about what it is about before I start reading it but I know that I do want to read it.

Which of these books have you read? Which books do you want to read?
Let me know in the comments below!

And until next time, keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. I Capture the Castle is a book I've been meaning to read forever! I also love Patrick Ness, but haven't read this one yet either.
