Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ten books I want to see under the Christmas tree

Christmas is next week!
Can you believe that Christmas is so close?! Where has the time gone?

Basically all I get for Christmas is books or bookish items so I'm pretty sure I'll get at least a few of the books on this list. My family have been asking me over the last few months what I want for Christmas, and I gave them this list.

1- Secrets for the Mad by Dodie

First of all, look how pretty this book is! It is actually gorgeous!
I absolutely adore Dodie; her videos are like a virtual hug and I love listening to her voice. She gives out all sorts of advice that I find really helpful, so hopeful I'll get this book!

2- Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassie Clare (and others)

In my quest to catch up with the Shadowhunter world I've been trying to read all the books that have been released so far. I have 7 books left (I know, I'm not doing great!) but I don't actually own this book or Lord of Shadows. Also I love Simon and can't wait to read more about him!

3- This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab 

I haven't read any V.E. Schwab books yet, but this cover is too pretty is pass by. I do want to get into V.E. Schwab, because all of her books sound interesting and right up my street. And of course it does help that the cover is gorgeous.

4- Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

I read the first book in this series earlier on the year, and was instantly hooked. I loved Grave Mercy so much and I'd love to carry on with this series.

5- The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher

Growing up, Leia was a major role model for me. I have always looked up to her because of how strong and badass she is, and the fact that she always stands up for herself.  Now, since Carrie Fisher passed away, I've been wanting to learn more about the actress who played my biggest role model, and I figure this is the place to start.

6- Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco 

I love the legend (is it a legend?) of Jack the Ripper and whenever an author puts a twist on it, I have to read the book. This book sounds that it could be a really interesting twist, especially as it has a strong female lead in a male driven era of history.

7- The Murder Complex by Lindsey Cummings

This book is quite dark, especially for the Christmas season, but it does sound amazing. The whole idea that a murder rate could be higher than the birth rate seems very different from all the other dystopian books I've read. And this cover is pretty awesome.

8- Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates

Feminism is a very important subject to me; I believe that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities. As a result, I am constantly looking for ways to expand my knowledge of feminism and sexism, and this book is just one of many that I would like to read.

9- Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow

Once again, another dark book but it does seem like an important subject to me. If a book has a mental health sub-plot in it then I try to read it. Mental health has played a big part in my life, so I enjoy seeing other people's interpretation or experiences of mental health.

10- Stardust by Neil Gaiman

Stardust is one of my favourite films of all time, so I want to read the original book version to see how similar it is to the film. And, one last time, look at that cover!

Do you celebrate Christmas? What books would you like to get this holiday season?
Let me know in the comments below!

And until next time, keep reading!