Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Character traits I love

Top Ten Tuesday: Character Traits I love

This was hard because all I could think of was characters that I love, but not why I love them. After about three hours of brainstorming (and a lot of staring at my bookshelf) I finally managed to compile a list of character traits that seem to be common in all of the characters that I love.

1- Smart characters who aren't afraid to be smart...

I love characters that are smart. I love it even more when these characters don't shy away from their intellect but proudly use it to help progress the plot and assist the other characters. Obviously the main character who fits this category is Hermione from the Harry Potter series, who is an icon for smart people everywhere.

2- and characters who have a thing. 

On top of smart characters, I love characters that have a thing that they are obsessed with. The first character that comes to mind is Gansey from The Raven Cycle. He doesn't necessarily excel at school (he can't understand Latin) but he can recite any amount of information about ley lines and Welsh history, which I loved

3- Characters who are proud of their families

Maybe it's because I read a lot of YA books but I always find it to be a nice surprise when characters proudly talk about their families to the people they are with. Anytime a character has a living family it is a miracle, and if the character actively talks to their family I fall in love with them immediately. A good example of this is Starr from THUG, who has a very realistic relationship with her family.

4- Characters who are romantic

 I love characters who are obviously in love with someone else, even if that person  doesn't realise, but it also tortures me because why can't they just be happy and in love together!! I'm currently reading Outlander and Jamie is stealing my heart. Although he's a little rough and tough at times he has the most beautiful things to say about Claire and it makes my heart melt a little.

 5- Characters that are sarcastic

How many people thought of Magnus Bane when I said that? As a British person I thrive off of sarcasm so when a character is well-written as a sarcastic little bean they instantly become my new favourite character.

6- Characters who thrive in isolation

Not really a character trait, but I've recently loved the rise in literature of people who have been social outcasts for most of their life and are now trying to reconnect with society. The first book I read like this was The Lonely Life of Biddy Weir (about three years ago)  and it has stuck with me.

7- Characters who are a good laugh

I think everyone can agree that funny characters who add some sort of comic relief to a story are always welcome. In general people who can make me laugh are my favourite people, so when a book character does it I feel warm inside.

8- Characters who stay positive in a bad world

Admittedly this can go one of two ways: I love them and they become my new favourite character or I can't stand them and they ruin the book for me. When this character is written right I love them with all my heart because they inspire me to keep my head up, even when times are hard.

9- Characters who are vulnerable (especially villains)

I love it when characters show their weak side, be it on purpose or because they thought they were alone. I especially love it when the person being vulnerable is a villain (think Loki) as it shows people that everyone has it in them to show their insecurities.

10- And finally, bookworms!

How could I make this post and not talk about characters that love books?! There are so many characters that fit into this category that I couldn't possibly list them all here, but I love them all. I especially love reading the books that are mentioned to try and figure out why these characters love the books so much!

What character traits do you love? Are any of them on this list?
Let me know in the comments below!

And until next time, keep reading!


  1. Yes, romantic is a good character trait.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. I'm seeing sarcasm a lot today. It made my list but I used "snark" instead. Characters who have a "thing" is a great one!

    1. I've seen a surprising amount of sarcasm as well! I guess we all like characters who are a little sassy

  3. I love reading about characters who can always find the positive side of whatever happens to them. Sometimes I have trouble with that, so it's really nice to have good role models there. :)

    My TTT.

  4. Oh yeah, love the bookworms. I think there are a disproportionate number of bookworms in stories.

  5. I love that Hermione never dumbs herself down! I like vulnerable villains too, but I end up feeling too sorry for them.
