I did a post like this a while ago after I completed the Harry Potter series for the gazillionth time and I thought it could become a series on this blog. So I thought what better place to start than The Shadowhunters Series?!
Full reviews to all these books will be on my Goodreads, so if you want to find out more about my thoughts and feelings on each individual book you can check them out there.
City of Bones (Mortal Instruments 1)
I've read this book four times now and every single time I've had the same thought: Clary is such a bad heroine. I know that this book is only the introduction to her character but she could be a little stronger and less wishy-washy.
However I do love this book; obviously I loved it enough to want to continue on with the series. There was enough tension and plot-twisting that I feel like it was the perfect start to this story.
City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments 2)
This book is probably going to be one of my least favourites. Just saying.
I do not approve of the incest in this book. I don't care that it was only one or two kisses and that they called it off because honestly incest is incest. No arguments.
Also, of course Simon has to become a special vampire who isn't like the other vampires is legit enough to be able to hang out with the gang. Of course.
In conclusion, not a fan.
City of Glass (Mortal Instruments 3)
I actually enjoyed this book the most out of the trilogy; it was action packed
and explored Shadowhunter politics (which I loved)!
It was a little boring at times but I think that was down to the fact that I had already read this book before, so I knew what was going to happen next. I was so relieved when Jace and Clary found out they aren't related because it meant the end of incest. Yay!
Clockwork Angel (Infernal Devices 1)
loved this book so much! It is set in my home country, which is a plus, it has shape shifting and it has a really cute romance. It was such a breath of fresh air from the original trilogy and I absolutely adored it.
It was a little boring in places but it was only because Cassie was re-introducing the Shadowhunter world to Tessa. However she also added lots of new information to keep the story going, which kept old readers entertained.
City of Fallen Angels (Mortal Instruments 4)
This series is definitely picking up a bit, but I'm still not 100% impressed with it. There were parts of this book that I really enjoyed and other parts that I found boring or annoying.
I can never get behind people cheating so Simon is not my favourite currently. However his relationships were not as disastrous as the mess that is Clary and Jace. Could they please just calm down and be together? Please?
Also I'm annoyed that Clary hasn't been allowed any character development. Seriously Cassie, stop making her so weak. She's a big girl now.
Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices 2)
This book is my favourite one so far, although I'm sure that will change when I read Clockwork Princess. I'm so glad that this series intertwines with The Mortal Instruments otherwise I would have given up on Cassie a long time ago.
I have so many emotions about Tessa ending up with Jem because I want her to but I also want her to end up with Will and I just can't human at the moment so I'm going to go curl up in a ball and think about everything Cassie is putting me through.
City of Lost Souls (Mortal Instruments 5)
I definitely rushed through this book, but that's only because I want to get my hands on Clockwork Princess. Due to the fact that I've never really enjoyed this series I was pleasantly surprised by this
book. Everything that I disliked about book 4 was fixed in this novel; all the characters seemed to gain common sense and basic human decency so they became almost likeable.
My one problem with this book was Maia and Jordan, not because I didn't like them together but because I honestly couldn't care less about them and they played such a major role in the story that it made the book less likeable.
Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices 3)
Yep, this series is officially the greatest thing that has ever happened. I adored all the characters, was invested in every single story line and was heart-broken by everything that happened.
Any faith that I'd lost in Cassie Clare throughout the Mortal Instruments was restored by this book alone. You can see how she has grown as a writer, especially as the trio in this book are basically the trio in her other book. One complaint- the ending seemed like Cassie tried to find an easy escape from upsetting anyone love-triangle wise. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and am so glad she did!
After reading Clockwork Princess I went into a Shadowhunter reading slump and didn't read any books from this universe for a while. During this time I started to watch the Shadowhunter TV series on Netflix (which I love) so my opinions about characters have developed and changed as the TV series portrays all the characters under different lights. As a result my old opinions about the characters from the Mortal Instruments have changed somewhat dramatically.
The Bane Chronicles (novella bind-up)
I have always loved Magnus. He is witty and compassionate, with fabulous dress sense and the best cat names ever. It was always a bit of a let down that we hadn't seen more of his backstory, but being a however many hundreds of year old warlock it would have been hard to see his full story, especially when the focus of Cassie's books have been on the main bad stuff.
From this book we find out that Magnus has always been the dramatic party-lover that we know him as. It also explained so many of his actions in both series, especially when we discover how entangled he is with both downworlder and mundane politics. Honestly, these novellas only made me love Magnus more.
City of Heavenly Fire (Mortal Instruments 6)

This book was incredible, and definitely my favourite of the Mortal Instruments series. The character development from book one to this book was just phenomenal; in this book you could see the way that this group relies on each other and has begun to use each other's strengths in their own battle plans.
Everything that I didn't like from book 4 and 5 was now completely resolved, making this book by far the most enjoyable to read. It was clear where this story overlapped with others (especially TDA series, which I am reading next) Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better series conclusion.
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy (novella bind-up)
This book was massive and took me about 5 months to read, but I'm glad I pushed myself through it. I loved finding out more about the trials wannabe Shadowhunters have to go through and the place where they live until they graduate. It was also really cool to see the characters from TMI and TID
and TDA interact with each other throughout this bind-up, and there were definitely clear indications of how Cassie was preparing herself to set up the next series.
And thus concludes my reviews. I'll be doing another one of these soon for TDA because I just read them but I have a LOT of thoughts about them so I think it would be best for me to do that in a seperate post.
Thank you so much for reading this far and listening to all my crazy thoughts. It took me about a year and a half to read all the Shadowhunter books but I've really enjoyed reading them all and I can't wait for the new books that are coming out NEXT YEAR!
So, yes, thank you once again for reading all of this and until next time, keep reading!