Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Books that take up too much space on my shelf

Top Ten Tuesday: Longest Books I’ve Ever Read

I don't read long books very often, mainly because I love sitting down and reading a book in one sitting (although they do also intimidate me a little). Another problem I have with long books is the fact that I'm a chapter reader: I read one chapter, do some work, then read another chapter until I've done all my work. Longer books mean longer chapters and that just doesn't work for me.

HOWEVER, I have read a couple of long books in my life. Most of these books took me weeks to read and still intimidate me, even though I've read them. I still can't believe I've actually read them, and can't imagine ever reading them again.

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Total page count: 4,911

This book series is famous for being incredibly long, with the longest book being 870 pages (Order of the Phoenix). Surprisingly enough this book is actually my favourite book of the entire series, even though it is the longest. And even though the series is 4,911 pages in total I've read it 5 times in my life. I guess that is just the magic of Harry Potter.

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer 
Total page count: 629

The third, and arguably best, book in the Twilight series is actually a lot longer than I remembered. The book series was actually fairly good up until the fourth book, so I guess you could say that this book was Stephanie Meyer's last triumph. 

Dreams of Gods and Monster by Laini Taylor
Total page count: 613

This series killed me. I read the entire thing in two weeks, which was far too fast I'll admit, but I couldn't put it down. I don't often read fantasy but this was entirely captivating. The funniest thing is that now I look at this and can only feel dread at how long it is. I don't know how long it would take me to read it now, but it is definitely going to be longer than two weeks!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufmann
Amazon - Book Depository - Goodreads
Total page count: 608

I didn't actually enjoy this book when I read it. I felt awful about disliking this book when everyone else was raving about it but I just couldn't get into the story. It was so long and the writing style was so different from what I'm used to that I ended up getting bored. I guess this is what happens when you go into a book with such high expectations.

The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Amazon - Book Depository - Goodreads
Total page count: 597

I will read literally any Rick Riordan no matter how long it is. I remember reading this book, putting it down, and wishing it was longer. It was over too fast and I wasn't prepared for the story to end. Maybe it is just Rick's utterly captivating writing style that kept me hooked, or maybe it is my total adoration for these book characters that kept me reading; either way I loved the story.

Hunger by Michael Grant
Amazon - Book Depository - Goodreads
Total page count: 590

I don't know whether I talk about this series enough on here but it my favourite series in the world. My first YA series and my first dystopian...anything. It is one of the only series I've read where I had to wait for the next book to be released before I could read it and it was absolute torture. Surprisingly the second book in this series was the longest, which (in my mind) makes no sense.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Amazon - Book Depository - Goodreads
Total page count: 584

This book! This book! It may be long but it only takes one page to destroy you. I loved this book when I read it about 4 years ago, and ever since then I've wanted to re-read it. When you look at this book it really doesn't feel like it is almost 600 pages long, but I guess it has very thin pages that makes it this long.

What is  the longest book you've ever read? Which book on your shelf is the longest?
Let me know in the comments below!

And until next time, keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. My longest book ever is The Order of The Phoenix! I had no idea House of Hades was that big, it certainly didn’t feel it. Also The Book Thief is one of my favourite books.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/10/09/top-ten-tuesday-180/
