Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rapid Book Tag

A quick book tag this week because my life is a little hectic and I thought this tag would reflect the general tone of my life at the moment. Definitely not because I completely forgot I hadn't written a post yet so I'm doing this last minute instead of homework. 


Anyways...onto the tag!

E-Book or Physical Book?

Physical 100%. I can't concentrate on e-books because I get distracted very easily and like being able to see what is on the next page before I read it.

Paperback or Hardback?

I want to be able to afford hardback books but I don't have the money for it. Plus paperback books take up less space which means I can justify buying more of them.

Online or in-store book shopping?

About 70% of my books are from charity shops so I don't really lean one way or the other. If I had to I would chose in-store book shopping because it feels more personal and the book seems to have more love in it.

Trilogies or series?

Trilogies. I get bored when reading series, or need a break from the world which leads to me putting down the book and then forgetting what happened, but that never happens with trilogies.

Heroes or villains? 

Morally, heroes. For fun factor, villains. Heroes are all a bit samey these days whereas all the villains I've read about are different, making the story more interesting.

A book you want everyone to read?

The Sign of One trilogy because it deserves more love than it gets.

Recommend an underrated book

I guess I did this in the last question but another underrated book that deserves more love is Listen to the Nightingale by Rumer Godden. It is a beautiful book that only has 126 ratings on Goodreads. Go read it! 

Last book you finished

Marly's Ghost by David Levithan. Would not recommend.

Last book you bought

Weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark

Not the weirdest thing but I am currently using the price tag from my skirt.

Used books: yes or no?

As I've already said, about 70% of my books are second-hand and they're still in good quality. I love seeing what is left in the books from the previous owner.

Top 3 favourite genres?

Historical fiction, dystopian, realistic novels.

Borrow or buy?

If I'm not sure about a book I always borrow it from the library instead of buying it, just to be on the safe side.

Characters or plot?

Characters because they drive the plot, so bad characters = bad plot.

Long or short books?

At the moment, short. Over 300 pages is a struggle for me currently.

Long or short chapters?

I motivate myself to do homework by letting myself read a chapter between tasks and if the chapters are too long I end up not doing my homework.

Name the first 3 books you can think of

Books that make you cry or laugh?

Can I choose both? I love books that make me feel devastated about the characters misfortunes on one page and laughing about how they deal with their troubles the next page.

Our world or fictional worlds?

Both. Depends on the world.

Audiobooks: yes or no?

Okay, confession time. I've never listened to an audiobook.  I just can't get hooked in the same as when I'm physically reading a book. If you leave recommendation below maybe I'll find one that hooks me.

Do you judge a book by its cover?

Yes! Whoever says they don't is lying because we all do.

Book to Movie or Book to TV?

TV. That way the plot can be developed better and they don't have to cut out as many things.

A movie or TV show you preferred more?

P.S I Love You. I love both the book and the movie but I have happier memories of the movie than the book.

Series of stand-alones?

For contemporaries, stand-alones. Otherwise, series.

What is the last book you bought? And the last book you read?
Let me know in the comments below?

And until next time, keep reading!

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