Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Release Date: October 6, 2016
Pages: 240
Buy it: Amazon | Book Depository

Dash and Lily have had a tough year since they first fell in love among the shelves of their favourite bookstore. Lily’s beloved grandfather suffered a heart attack, and his difficult road to recovery has taken a major toll on her typically sunny disposition.

With only twelve days left until Christmas—Lily’s favourite time of the year—Dash, Lily’s brother Langston, and their closest friends must take Manhattan by storm to help Lily recapture the unique holiday magic of a glittering, snow-covered New York City in December.

I really liked this book; it was such a sweet and heart-warming contemporary. I also loved how Christmassy (totally a real word!) the whole book was , which makes sense considering the book takes place on the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Of course being really smart I read this book in the middle of spring so now I have to deal with all my pent up Christmas spirit! *sigh*

The book did seem to drag on a little and I found myself skim reading certain parts of the book to try and get through it. It felt like everything was resolved to quickly so the authors were now trying to find random Christmas related events to flesh it out a bit. I did enjoy these events because it gave me time to see what the characters are like, but it felt a little unnecessary.

Lily also seemed very whiny in this book leading me to get annoyed by her. When people weren't doing what she wanted them to do she would throw a tantrum and go off by herself. She was also a little horrible to Dash, which I wasn't expecting, because he wasn't treating exactly the way she wanted to be treated. However I did like her when she was with Dash or her grandfather because she seemed like kind and considerate human.

If you liked the first book (Dash and Lily's Book of dares) you will like this book. It has all the characters we loved from the last book in a whole new situation. It catches you up on what they have done in the past year and is thoroughly enjoyable. If you haven't read the first book I would recommend you go and read that, then come back and read this one because it is absolutely lovely.  

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